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Virtual Collaboration Platforms Are a Valuable Marketing Tool for Life Science Companies

In today’s fast-paced world, it can be hard to schedule in-person meetings with stakeholders. Yet medical companies face more pressure than ever to connect with stakeholders, or risk missing out on valuable networking opportunities.

Virtual collaboration platforms have emerged to help fill this gap. Savvy marketers can now use modern technology to meet stakeholders with greater convenience and ease. In turn, stakeholders have greater opportunities to share valuable insights about their patients and communities. With virtual collaboration platforms, marketers and stakeholders can engage with one another and work as a team.

If you’re thinking about making the shift toward a virtual platform, consider these advantages:

Online Platforms Allow Users to Get Input Fast
Live meetings and conferences are costly and time-consuming, and even if meeting attendees are willing to travel, scheduling a conference can be a significant logistic challenge.
Conferences often take months of planning, and sudden emergencies can throw a wrench into even the most carefully scheduled event. Collaboration platforms cut through the red tape, allowing users to share thoughts and opinions quickly. Questions can be posted instantly and are often answered within hours. In just a few days, you can collect all the essential stakeholder information you need.

Don’t forget, virtual platforms are available 24/7. That means you can log in at any time, day or night. With virtual platforms, there’s no need to play phone-tag or send a series of follow-up emails. Instead, it’s easy to double-check a critical piece of information simply by logging in.

Online Platforms Help Eliminate Logistic Roadblocks
Collaboration platforms also allow users to break into groups to discuss specialized topics. With virtual collaboration platforms, discussions and presentations become far more flexible. Extra attendees are hardly ever a problem in virtual platforms, where there is “unlimited seating.”

Conferences and seminars can also restrict discussion by limiting the number of topics and sessions. With in-person meetings, both time and space can be limited. As a result, attendees are often left to choose between a handful of lectures on a selected range of topics. In contrast, virtual collaboration platforms allow users to benefit from individual sessions. This customized content enables users to confer on topics that spark their interest, and bring their opinions to the forefront.

Virtual platforms can offer the best of both worlds. Online discussions are dynamic and can take place in real time, but can also be prepared well in advance, allowing users to share insights after an in-person conference or a new market launch. Discussion leaders don’t have to scramble to share the same set of documents with dozens of contacts. Instead, users can simply log in to one central area to view documents, share ideas, and make connections.

Online Collaboration Platforms Allow User Anonymity
Offline collaborations are sometimes hampered by the in-person setting. No matter how confident your colleagues are of their expertise, they may hesitate to offer criticism or express doubts when they’re sitting in the middle of a large group. Biases and groupthink can also flourish inside crowded conference rooms.

On the other hand, online discussion boards offer a sense of anonymity. They help encourage honest critiques and unbiased responses. Authentic reactions can establish better-quality discussions and more accurate data.

Because there is no physical interaction, the identity of the participants can remain undisclosed. Marketers can also observe online discussions in a private setting. Since participants know they’re operating in an independent online environment, they may feel comfortable speaking more freely among themselves.

Online Collaboration Platforms Are Convenient for Today’s Users
No longer do participants and advisors have to travel to a medical conference from every corner of the globe. Instead, attendees can log in from the comfort of their office, practice, or even their favorite coffee shop. Participants can work around their personal and professional responsibilities, joining discussions whenever they’re available.

Cutting down on business travel helps reduce costs and eliminate wasted time. Attendees can use virtual meeting spaces to make the most of their limited free time. Without the need to travel long distances, attendees can spend more time networking, joining discussions, and sharing valuable data. In turn, medical marketers have more significant opportunities to connect with healthcare providers.

Will Collaboration Platforms Completely Replace Live Meetings?
Even the best virtual collaboration platforms can never fully replace live meetings. Building personal relationships is an essential part of collaboration, and face-to-face meetings are still the best way to forge new connections. A blend of live meetings and virtual collaboration can help your organization cut costs and maximize the efficiency of your marketing efforts.

Virtual collaboration platforms offer a more efficient and less expensive alternative to live meetings. The anonymity provided by these platforms is another significant advantage for marketing companies who want a fast, discreet method for connection with stakeholders and gathering data. Customizable content available through virtual collaboration platforms also allows users to share their thoughts in a unique, flexible setting.

Introducing ONCOBOARD
If you’re ready to explore the benefits of virtual collaboration platforms, consider ONCOBOARD, Aptitude Health’s collaborative online community platform tool. ONCOBOARD provides a closed online community of selected oncology or hematology experts. Members can instantly ask questions to medical specialists and get their professional input. Feedback is swiftly captured in state-of-the-art insights reports.

With ONCOBOARD, your team members have 24/7 access to up-to-date information and experienced healthcare providers.